Swim England has updated its guidance on the minimum permissible swimming pool depth for racing entries to align with FINA recommendations.
The minimum depth has increased from 0.9m to 1.35m following a health and safety review.
The guidance issued by the national governing body is also now in line with the minimum permissible starting depth issued by FINA.
For those undertaking racing entries below 1.5m depth, they will still be required to hold a competitive start award.
Minimum depths for entry level activities for artistic swimming and water polo have also been amended in order to make the activities more accessible and increase participation.
As a result of the changes, clubs will no longer be able to perform racing entries into water under 1.35m. This also includes starts and changes during relay races.
The teaching of the competitive start award is strongly recommended for all club swimmers and the depth within that document will also be increased from 0.9m to 1.35m.
The full guidance document can be downloaded here.