
If club welfare officers need any help or advice regarding the welfare of children and vulnerable people they should contact the county and regional leads in the first instance:

The county welfare officer is Karen Stephens

The regional welfare officer is Fran Vesztrocy

Wavepower 2020-23: Child safeguarding policy and procedures for clubs

To help clubs with child welfare Swim England produce our Wavepower publication. This is our sports lead document for child safeguarding policies and procedures.

Wavepower must be adopted by all Swim England affiliated clubs and organisations

Ensuring child safety should be a key part of how our clubs operate. It helps to provide a safe, happy and fun environment where children can learn to swim and develop their skills.

The responsibility to safeguard children does not belong to any one person. Instead it belongs to everyone who plays a part in delivering our sporting activities.

Wavepower is intended for anyone involved in these activities and offers practical guidance and information on mandatory requirements and good practice.