Synchronised Swimming Helpers Course

Saturday 23rd February saw 10 enthusiastic volunteers come together at Goffs Academy Cheshunt for a Synchronised Swimming Specific helpers course run by National Development Manager Sarah Darragh.


We had good representation from across the county with representatives from Aqualina, Hatfield and Dacorum clubs. Also attending were 2 representatives  from Chelmsford SSC.

The generic Helpers course has been adapted to focus on discipline specific training to teach basic synchro skills, such as sculling, eggbeater and various figures like an oyster, tub, back layout and a bent knee.  As well as learning how to teach these skills candidates got to experience the skills and figures for themselves during a pool session.

All who attended found the day extremely informative and many felt a lot more confident about going back to their clubs to support their coaches in running training sessions. The Grand Finale of the day was a group routine that all candidates took part in.
