Volunteer officers

To help ensure that we can deliver the best environment for all our athletes and volunteers we are supported by a group of volunteer officers who have specialist areas of responsibility.

What they doWho they areContact them
Swimming Officials Co-ordinatorJonathan Popeofficials@swimherts.org
Website ManagerIan Mackenzieian.mackenzie@swimherts.org
Welfare Officer Jeanette Horrodwelfare@swimherts.org
Artistic Swimming ManagerThomas Brennansynchro@swimherts.org
Discipline managers
Disability ManagerJackie Harveydisability@swimherts.org
Diving ManagerPosition vacantsecretary@swimherts.org
Masters ManagerAndrew MacDonaldmasters@swimherts.org
Open Water Swimming ManagerSara Matthewsopenwater@swimherts.org
Swimming ManagerBryan Thompson swimming@swimherts.org
Water Polo ManagerPosition vacantwaterpolo@swimherts.org