The Programme
There are five key goals and objectives. These are:
Athlete Support
Goal: To develop athletes who can demonstrate world – leading technical, tactical, physical and psychological skills at each stage of the pathway.
Workforce Development
Goal: To deliver an innovative and progressive development pathway, (including licensing) which enables our coaches and other support staff (sports science and sports medicine (SSSM) practitioners, team managers etc) to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge to become the best in the world.
Training and Competition Environments
Goal: To define, and help to create and support, quality and progressive training and competitive opportunities at all stages of the pathway.
Goal: To provide a sustainable and seamless link between Clubs, Networks, Counties, Regional bodies and British Swimming’s World Class programme to ensure that the Swim England Programmes are positioned at the centre of a fully aligned cohesive pathway.
Goal: To work collaboratively with key internal and external partners to enhance the quality of delivery.
Selection Criteria
Swim England Hertfordshire will be running 3 x 1 day development camps for swimmers aged 11 at 31st December 2019.
This is the second year of these camps and we will be using the same criteria for swimmer selection as agreed with the coaches for last years camp.
All swimmers attending the camps MUST have England as their Country of International Representation
Swimmers will be selected from the 100 Individual Medley event at the 2019 County Championships
Clubs will be invited to nominate one or more swimmers to attend subject to the number of places available after the initial selection (point 2 above)
There will be a maximum of 36 swimmers invited to attend the camps
Swimmers are expected to commit to attend ALL 3 camps
County Pathway Guidance Document